Whatever you ask for It shall be granted to you

I don't no where to begin my writing of His goodness as my life are so bless by Him. He is so good that even a wrecthed man that I am He still loves me and wants to bless me beyond measure. On 4th July 2009 (Saturday) the day I am coming to KL for 2 weeks of secondment as I represent PwC in basketball competition among the accounting firms.

Out of the sudden in the afternoon, the weather suddenly turned into a rainy day. It rains so heavily that I presuppose my flight would be delayed. Moreover, I also taught that the rain would stop after a few hours of downpour. Nonetheless, the rain did not stop as I have taught. Immediately, I converse with Abba. I said," Abba, could you please stop the rain before 6pm in order to allow me to reach the airport on-time as my flight is scheduled to depart at 7.10pm. Without a second taught whether the rain would or would not stop, I continue to rest in His peace.

As I prepared myself and get ready to depart to the airport, I look into the sky and stretch my hand a little towards the window, to my surprised the sky turned brighther and not even a drop fall into my palm. As I reached the airport around 6.30pm and had myself checked-in and board on the plane around 7.10pm, I then realised that what I prayed to Abba, He has answered. Then I immediately look outside the window and it raining. I rejoice in my heart because my Abba is so good and that He will bypass everything just to ensure my prayer to Him is answered. What i want to share here is that whatever you asked from Abba, He will grant it to you. Amen!


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